Massive Rally in Platinum

Christian DeHaemer

Posted January 28, 2012

For the week ending January 27th, we covered the sectors where we think you can make money this year.

It boils down to hard assets and hydrocarbons — or to be more precise, gold and fracking.

Along the lines of precious metals, I wrote an article a few weeks ago detailing the gold/platinum ratio, and I pointed out that platinum was selling less than gold. See below.

plat jan 27

 If you’d bought when I told you to at $1,400 an ounce, you’d be sitting pretty.

Platinum is still undervalued, but you might want to wait for a pullback. I’m betting it will bounce south after it hits that green line (200-day moving average) before moving up again.

Have You No Pride? ran a nice chart showing the real state of the Union.

food stamps

We are a food stamp nation.

From the article:

According to the Census Bureau, 49% now live in homes where at least one person gets a federal benefit — Social Security, workers comp, unemployment, subsidized housing, and the like. That’s up from 44% the year before Obama took office, and way up from 1983, when fewer than a third were government beneficiaries.

Remember when people used to say stuff like “There’s no way I’m accepting handouts from the government or anyone else!”

Does anyone think like that anymore?

We are one percent away from a dangerous situation where the majority will vote themselves more money.

This is exactly what happened in Venezuela, a place where 60% or more receive government subsidizes and 20% of all employees work for the government…

Needless to say, they vote for their boss.

Enjoy your weekend,

Christian DeHaemer Signature
Chris DeHaemer
Editor, Wealth Daily

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